Best of Both Worlds

Lilyxml is an easy to use notation system using data from LilyPond's format with xml's ease of editing. Notation can be entered using editing systems such as nxml. Lilyxml converts to lilypond format thereby, supporting all LilyPond output formats.

Why another ascii format?

While there are a plethora of ascii music notation formats, none them are standards compliant. Some of the languages use archane programming languages such as scheme and lisp to manipulate music notation, one missing parenthesis could lead to hours of debugging. Some of the ascii formats are closed source.

Lilyxml uses xml and is standards complient, using readily available tools and backend languages, you don't need to be a rocket scientist to use lilyxml.

Who needs another music xml format?

The other music flavors of xml were conceived primarily as data interchange formats, not for ease of input by regular people. Additionally Lilyxml is open source software, unlike other musical xml formats.

For more information of the projects vision see Lilyxml.

Lilyxml is an XML wrapper for the LilyPond music notation format (www.lilypond .org). The project is currently in pre-alpha.

Get Involved

There is currently no available code for download, but if you are interested in joining the development, signup for the developers mailing list. Join the Developers Mailing list

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